Welcome to School Breathe's Breath Coach Training 

We welcome you on this transformative journey of breathwork for a calmer child.


& Breathe...

We are happy to welcome you on to the School Breathe Breath Coach Training. Before you begin, you will be off to a great start if you read at least two of the books on the reading recommendations list (click the button below). 

You can order any of the books to read for free from your local library. Collectively, they will give you an insight into the benefits of learning to breathe well which is the foundation of a healthy breath practice.

Book Reccommendations


How to start a short breath practice.

  • Time how many breaths you take per minute. Set a timer for 30 seconds and count how many inhales you take in this time. Make a note of the number of inhales. Now double the number. This is your BRPM or Breath Rate Per Minute.
  • With the average rate for an adult is 12 - 16 breaths per minute and the optimum rate to breathe proven to be a mere 6 breaths per minute, all tend to take too many breaths!
  • Over the coming weeks build up a short 1 minute daily breath practice. Practice Slow Breathing.
  • Breathe in for a count of 1..2..3..4.. Breathe out for a count of 1..2..3..4.. Repeat for 1 minute.
  • Practise outside in nature and notice how you feel.

Should you have any questions about the course before you start, please email [email protected]

What is coming up for you ...

Breath Awareness

Learn and build your awareness of dysfunctional breath patterns and learn how your breathing pattern can affect your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Breath & Emotions

Learn how different breath exercises can affect your nervous system and change behaviour. Be introduced to a variety of breath practices to help children self-regulate their emotions.

Breath &The Mind

Learn and teach breath techniques and exercises for a heathy mindset. Experience scientifically proven techniques to help improve focus and concentration.