An overview of how School Breathe can

enhance the curriculum


Integration with Existing Subjects

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education: Mindfulness and well-being are key components. School Breathe programs can support mental health awareness and stress management.

Science (Biology): Lessons on human physiology and the respiratory system can include practical breathing exercises to illustrate concepts.

Physical Education (PE): Breathing exercises can be part of warm-ups or cool-downs in PE lessons, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

Cross-Curricular Benefits

Enhancing concentration and focus, which can improve performance across subjects.
Teaching stress management techniques can benefit students during exam periods.

Ofsted Guidelines onĀ Wellbeing Focus

Ofsted evaluates schools on the wellbeing and personal development of students.

Integrating School Breathe programmes can demonstrate a commitment to these areas.
Programmes and trainingsĀ that reduce anxiety and improve mental health can show evidence of fostering a supportive school environment.
Implementation Evidence:

Schools can document the use of breathing programmes as part of their strategies to support student mental health, showing alignment with Ofstedā€™s emphasis on wellbeing.
Regular feedback from students and staff can be collected to show the positive impact on school culture and individual student well-being.

Department for Education (DfE) RegulationsĀ Mental Health and Wellbeing:

The DfE has published guidance on mental health and wellbeing in schools, recommending mindfulness and relaxation techniques. School Breathe programmes and trainings can be part of the schoolā€™s strategy to comply with these guidelines, providing structured activities that promote mental well-being.

Staff Training and DevelopmentĀ DfE emphasises the importance of staff training in mental health awareness. School Breathe can offer training for teachers to integrate breathing exercises into daily routines.

Cost-Effectiveness:Ā Schools need to consider the cost of programmes against their budgets. School Breathe programmes offer scalable options, such as online resources to fit different budget constraints.

We offer resource opportunitiesĀ for grants focused on mental health and wellbeing could be explored to support the implementation of these programs.

Return on Investment:Ā Investing in wellbeing programmes can lead to reduced absenteeism and better academic performance, offering long-term financial benefits.

Implementation StrategyĀ andĀ Assessment

Schools on our programmes have conducted surveys and focus groups with staff and students to identify stressors and wellbeing needs before and after embarking on our programmes.

Pilot Programme:

Start with our pilot programme in a few classes or year groups to evaluate the impact and gather feedback.

Staff Training:

We provide training sessions for teachers to integrate breathing exercises into their daily routines and lessons.

Curriculum Integration:

Collaborate with curriculum leaders to integrate breathing exercises into relevant subjects and PSHE lessons.
Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regularly assess the program's impact on student well-being and academic performance. Adjust the program based on feedback and outcomes.
Sustainable Funding:

Explore different funding options, including grants and partnerships with health organizations, to sustain the program long-term.
By aligning School Breathe programs with these key areas, schools can effectively integrate mindfulness and breathing exercises into their daily routines, supporting the overall well-being and academic success of their students.

please email [email protected]Ā with any questions