£595.00 GBP


Pilot Programme: Online Programme [half academic year]

Up to five school staff gain access to our online programme which allows children to learn and practice a plethora of effective breathwork techniques.

The programme includes:

  • Bite-sized proven breath practices to learn throughout the academic year.
  • Drip fed course on a weekly basis to help fully implement the programme.
  • Downloadable scripts to use at home or within school newsletter.
  • Downloadable scientifically proven breath exercises and resources for the classroom.
  • Join a community of certified breath coaches for professional advice on functional breathing.
  • Receive support from our School Breathe Team.
  • Create a calmer + happier classroom. 


A 2023 research by Stanford University neuroscientists found that just five minutes of daily breathwork for a month is more effective than mindfulness meditation at reducing stress and boosting mood.