Access your sample of School Breathe's Breathwork for Teacher Wellbeing Series 

 "I've started teaching breathwork classes to the children twice a week and the feedback has been amazing! Our headteacher now wishes to roll out more breathwork classes next term."

 Kerry Snell, Teacher and School Breathe Breath Coach, Cliff Lane Primary School, Ipswich

"I think I've just entered the quietest classroom in the United Kingdom." 

 Helen Needham, Radio 4 Producer and Presenter, BBC Radio 4 visits School Breathe's Westdale Junior School in Nottingham. 


"School Breathe creates a calmer learning environment, and helps children and staff in acute moments of stress and anxiety. The programme also offers long term and permanent improvements for self-regulation."

Tim Harrison, Wellbeing Practitioner & School Breathe Breath Coach, Bettws Lifehouse